What is Tai Chi

Tai in Chinese means “bigger than big.” Chi is not actually the correct word. The correct word should be ji. Ji means extreme. The correct combination for Tai Chi in Chinese is tai ji chuan. Chuan is “boxing” or “fist”. Altogether, it means grand force boxing, and Tai Chi certainly has its martial aspect. In…

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Depression No More (4): My Own Experience


There were three times in my life when I suffered depression and felt very imbalanced emotion. But each was caused by certain conditions. The symptoms were the same as clinical depression. I felt a major imbalance in my life and knew I wouldn’t have felt better if I had taken medication without solving the problems.…

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Depression No More (2): Diagnosis

We have all felt ‘depressed’ at one time or another due to the many different things that happen in our lives. Sometimes it can be due to poor communication with our family or our friends, or a difficult teenage child, seasonal changes, hormonal changes, difficulty at work, business is not  going well at the time,…

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Depression No More (3): Food Causes


There are three main points of view about the causes of Depression. Most commonly held is the view that it is generally some combination of these three. 1. Depression is a medical disease, caused by a neuro-chemical or hormonal imbalance. 2. Depression is caused by certain styles of thinking. 3. Depression is a result of unfortunate…

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